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Smoothie-Maker Homemade Hummus

 You can make amazing homemade hummus in less than 10 minutes. And all you require is a blender for smoothies.


1 can chickpeas

1 clove garlic

1 tablespoon olive oil

pinch of paprika

pinch of salt

Let's cook

After draining, add the chickpeas, olive oil, a pinch of salt, and a little bit of water to the blender. The garlic clove (which is actually one of the tiny segments, not the entire bulb) should have its skin removed before being chopped into extremely tiny pieces.

Blend after adding the garlic to the blender! Continue until everything is easy. Should it appear too solid, add a little more water. To ensure sure everything is thoroughly blended, you might need to pause and stir it around a bit.

Scoop into a bowl, cover with paprika, and tuck in!

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