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Classic rice pudding

While you prepare dinner, set this creamy rice pudding to bake so you can finish your meal with a warm dessert. Combined with jam, serve as a comfort food.


  • butter, for the dish
  • 130g pudding rice
  • 70g caster sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out
  • 800ml whole milk
  • 170ml double cream
  • grating of nutmeg
  • fruit jam of your choice, to serve (strawberry or apricot work well)

Let's Cock

  1. Butter a 1.5-liter baking dish and preheat the oven to 160°C/140°F fan/gas 3. Mix together the pudding rice, sugar, vanilla, milk, and cream in a bowl. After adding the ingredients to the plate, liberally sprinkle nutmeg on top. The rice should be cooked and tender after 1 hour and 30 minutes of baking, when a brown skin has developed on top.
  2. Allow the pudding to slightly cool before scooping it into dishes and adding a dollop of jam on top to serve.
To vary the flavor, try replacing the vanilla with lemon or orange zest. As an alternative, you may make the pudding dairy-free by using vegan spread, coconut milk, and coconut cream.

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