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How to fry frozen kibbeh



Kibbeh is one of the most delectable oriental dishes, and the techniques of preparation, as well as the taste, vary from region to nation.
The Levantine kibbeh is one of the most well-known varieties of kibbeh, and it comes in a variety of flavors and textures, including raw kibbeh with onions, parsley, and tomato paste, fried kibbeh, cherry kibbeh, milky kibbeh, quince kibbeh, and grilled kibbeh in China, Kibbeh may be made and consumed at any time, and some people serve it as a main course while others serve it as a side dish, The housewife can make and prepare the kibbeh, then wrap it firmly and store it in the freezer until it is needed, This saves time and effort, especially during the month of Ramadan, How do you cook frozen kibbeh? 

Kibbeh may be made and consumed at any time, and some people serve it as a main course while others serve it as a side dish, The housewife can prepare the kibbeh, wrap it firmly and store it in the freezer until needed, especially during Ramadan; this saves time and work.
How do you cook frozen kibbeh? 

How to fry frozen kibbeh

 When the housewife wants to fry the frozen kibbeh, she must follow some steps: 

1 - Remove the kibbeh bag from the freezer and place it in the refrigerator overnight to thaw the kibbeh, after which it is removed and brought to room temperature an hour before the frying date; the kibbeh filling inside is pre-cooked.

2 - In a big frying pan on the stove, heat some oil.

3 - To keep the kippah from dissolving, add a little starch to the oil.

4 - It is best to place the kibbeh in the oil as soon as possible after taking it out of the freezer, rather than waiting for the snow to melt.

5 - When the oil temperature hits boiling, or just before, begin slowly placing the kibbeh in. 

6 - Stir the kibbeh with a spoon only after it has been placed in the oil; when the ice melts, the crust sticks to the spoon, cracks, and the contents falls out.

7 - Put a little quantity of kibbeh kernels in the oil; for example, five pills will suffice; this will make it easier to stir, and each one will mature to the proper color without clinging to one another. 

8 - The fire must be decreased to medium when the crust becomes solid and begins to take on a golden color; so that the kibbeh does not brown without ripening, it is gently stirred to acquire the same color from the top, When the kibbeh is uniformly colored and crispy on both sides, it is taken from the oil and put on blotting paper, To soak up the oil.

9 - Place the kibbeh in the serving dish and serve with some appetizers. 




Kibbeh with yoghurt


Ten ready-made kibbeh tablets, sorted or chilled.

Two liters of curd.

Two tablespoons of starch.

A cube of chicken broth.

Pinch of salt.

Sprinkle of white pepper.

A tablespoon of chopped parsley for garnish. 

to fry

A tablespoon of mashed garlic.

Half a cup of fresh chopped coriander.

  1 tablespoon of oil or ghee


How to prepare 

1 - Put the milk in the blender with the starch, the chicken broth cube, salt, and white pepper, and whisk the ingredients well until they are homogeneous with each other.

2 - Transfer the milk mixture from the mixer to a saucepan over the heat until the milk thickens and becomes somewhat thick.

3 - Put the kibbeh grains one by one inside the milk pot while it is on the fire, and when the mixture begins to boil, it is left for five minutes on a low heat in a pan, with a little oil, and roasted garlic and coriander.

4 - Add the frying pan to the kibbeh and cooked yogurt. Pour the kibbeh into plates, and decorate with parsley.




Fast Kibbeh


Half a kilogram of minced meat.

Two tablespoons of bulgur.

Onion, medium size, finely chopped.

A clove of mashed garlic.

¼ cup finely chopped parsley.

a tablespoon of oil; Chinese grease.

a glass of warm water; To boil the bulgur.

teaspoon of kibbeh spices.

Pinch of salt.   


How to prepare       

1 - Boil the bulgur with water only in a pot on the fire until it is completely cooked, then drain it.

2 - Mix chopped onions, mashed garlic, parsley, bulgur after filtering from the water, and spices in a deep bowl.

3 - Add the minced meat, and knead the ingredients well until a cohesive kibbeh dough is formed.

4 - Spread the kibbeh in a tray greased with a little oil, then cover it with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for fifteen minutes.

5 - Lift the aluminum foil, and brown the kibbeh a little before serving. 

عن الكاتب

Cube Luminous


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